Family First
After many years as a school bus driver, Paul found himself searching for a new, stable job. “I needed a job and was willing to do any work to support my family. Waste and recycling weren’t industries I thought I’d end up in,” Paul reflected. He reached out to a friend who was an Onsite Manager (OSM) at Leadpoint, and that’s where his journey began.
Paul started on the line and quickly became interested in the MRF and OSM role. He was soon promoted to line lead at a nearby site and continued to take the time to learn from others. When the OSM position opened at the site where he had initially started, he applied and got the job.
“Every day here is a challenge—I mean that in a good way. I am grateful that I decided to come to Leadpoint. I’m learning something new all the time,” Paul said.
“As OSM, I do a lot of mentoring and coaching. It’s important to talk to your employees. My focus every day is on teamwork and making sure everyone goes home safely to their families. I have a great team, and I am thankful for them. We are learning and growing together.”
Family is a constant thread in Paul’s life. He and his wife have a large, blended family, with 14 children ranging from 45 to 11 years old. They’re also full-time caregivers for his sister-in-law. “I try to spend as much time with family as possible. Life is short, and I want to be there for them as much as I can,” he said.