Always There
Arturo manages one of Leadpoint’s largest sites with about 170 employees. With that many people, he says, it’s hard to talk to every single person. But if anyone has an issue, whether it’s a problem at work or with their wife or kids, he is there for them and is devoted to helping them get what they need.
“I gave myself a hard life because of bad choices I made after high school. Instead of going into college I got in trouble,” he said. “The only job I could find was dishwasher and even that didn’t last. My brother helped me find Leadpoint in 2012.”
Since then, it’s been a struggle to become somebody he never thought he was going to be. Over the years, he kept stepping forward, moving ahead in the company. “I still remember the day I was told I was going to be a manager,” Arturo said. “I took my family out to dinner. I still get emotional thinking about it.”
Arturo’s team trusts him. A lot. “I remember one associate asked me to help him write a poem to recite at his grandmother’s funeral,” he said. “I typed it up, made it look nice and put it in a folder. He told me the family framed it and hung it in their house.
“That’s why I stay here,” he continued, “because I am able to help people become better and do better in their lives.”
Arturo wants the best for his people. “You may have to make tough decisions, but if you can help people and correct issues, they look at you and know you care about them,” Arturo said. “I do my best to be here for my people, every day, and to be there when they need me.”