Setting a Positive Example
Shadow Wolf. That’s what AB and his wife named their son when he was born in 2020. They are both fully Native American, members of the Pima or River People, and wanted their son to have a Native American name.
“Wolves are very family oriented, they run in a pack and are all about family and taking care of the cub,” AB said. “His other name is Shadow because he was a nighttime baby.”
AB likes working because it keeps him grounded and focused. His work as part of the Leadpoint family gives him purpose. Since Shadow Wolf was born, he wants to excel even more and do better at every aspect of the job so that he has a stable income and so his family will be taken care of, no matter what.
“I want to set a good example for the all the kids in my family,” he said. “I want to show them that working pays off, you can achieve something, and it makes you feel good.” AB still remembers when he brought home his first ever paycheck. “It felt good to have money that I earned, that I worked for.”
Setting a positive example pays off for his work family, too. “I know my guys have to work, they’ve got bills, and they know I rely on them a lot.” AB may be the manager, but he tries to part of the team, too. “When I’m done with the office stuff, I’m out there on the floor with my guys. I appreciate how hard the work is, how tough the job is.”
And talk about leading by example: 2 or 3 days a week when a shift starts at 3 a.m., AB is there when they start to be a helping hand and show that he feels where they’re coming from. “They respect that a lot,” AB said. “Most of my guys have never had that from a manager before.”
At work and at home, AB is setting an example for everyone around him. “It feels good,” he said.