Many Hats
If you ask Jose what makes him good at his job at Leadpoint, he will talk about the multiple hats he’s worn at nearly every job he’s held. He’s spent most of his career in warehouse and production work and found he’s pretty good at juggling competing demands and in motivating people to do their best.
Jose is a competitor who likes learning and mastering all the aspects of a job. He’s designed production plans that helped one prior employer triple their inventory accuracy rate. He’s managed teams of 100 people, men and women who still say he’s the best supervisor they ever had. And among the hats Jose wears is dad and coach for his son’s football team.
“I know that the only way to accomplish a goal is to put forth your best effort,” he said. “I like meeting deadlines. I like production and showing improvement. I like motivating people, teaching, and training.”
He’s learned how to work with people and to recognize that if people aren’t doing what he asks, he could be the problem.
“Most of all, I’ve learned the value of a pat on the back and an open door,” Jose said.
That’s my mindset, and I’ve been fortunate to have had jobs that require that attitude.”